I have been a faithful LG customer for the past 2 years, and I have bought quite a few home appliances from the LG shoppe/Kaydees shop in Noida Sector 18...
Recently ( on Jan 30th 2005) , I had bought a DVD player model - 8352 from LG shoppe and to my utter dismay, I found that the DVD player could not play any English VCDs (and the same movies played on philips, onida, aiwa, sony DVD players) !! Immediately after the movie trailers, it would show End of Disc 1
I informed the LG dealer and they acted in their own sweet time and finally sent a service engineer, who said that the PCB (circuit board, which is the heart and could of teh player ) will have to be replaced......Though initially I was very reluctant about replacing the PCB (circuit board), since I had just bought the DV player 2-3 weeks back , I thought why not give it a try....But , even after the replacement, even the Service engineer was shocked to see that the problem still persisted and he concluded that the DVD player model was defective.
But, while the Service Engineer was replacing the PCB , I noticed that the PCB didnt even have a Part Number on it ( I wanted to track which PCB was being replaced with which one)...That was really shocking !! I could not believe how this could happen...Thus under the hood of their massive media branding , LG seems to be selling some locally made , poor quality DVD players !!! And they want to do the testing and QA after the product has been sold ( this is what one of the Area mangers told me )
I was then offered to try 8411 model and I again gave them the benefit of doubt and tried it in the showroom itself......And wow, I was shocked to find that even that model had the same problem....So I decided to get my money back ....The dealer wanted me to return the full packing also to him ....I obliged and took my money back ..He took the bill back and deleted all records from his system about the purchase of the model as well :-) I am sure they would sell that same piece to some other unsuspecting customer...
If LG can spend 60 crores on Media campaign for the Indo-Pak series, I would atleast expect that you would do a bare minimum product QA before shipping out the products.And I would expect them to sell genuine products and not such crappy locally assembled stuff...
I even got in touch with the LG helpdesk and the Marketing mangers Anil Arora and Salil Kapoor....But I dont think they care at all ....I have just got a mail from helpdesk asking my phone number which I gave them , but no one has called yet.
I dont know if someone is tampering with the LG brand name or is it a serious defect in the product assembly line...But whatever it is , please do not buy the LG DVD players till you have actually taken a couple of original English CDs (of Sare Gama make ) and you play it there in the showroom