I am an unfortunate person to have purchased this crap product. On Saturday evening I had purchased this product after being impressed by its sleek and neat styling and good picture quality. But when I connected the player to my TV set, after about 5 mins the player gave way. I removed the disk, inserted it after cleaning, but the played just displayed "NO DISK". I tried with different types of disks only to see this error. I called the dealer from whom I purchased the product and he just said that call LG customer care number and they will fix it. That very time I gave a call to their number 39010909 only to find out that they close their shop (read call centre) at 8 PM. The next morning (Sunday) I gave them a call regarding the same and they were very prompt to send the person on Monday at my given time.
The person opened the player and said some part needs to be replaced and it will be replaced by next day (Tuesday). When I inquired about the availability, he said that they have them in good numbers so no worries. On Tuesday I waited for the technicians call to come but he never called so I again enquired the call centre and they assured me that he will come anytime before 8. Tuesday went by so did Wednesday and Thursday but no trace of the technician. Later on thursday I could not control my frustration and called the call centre people and asked for the service centre number to whom they have outsourced the job. He provided me 3 number all of which never existed.
LG people dont even bother to check if the number did exist one such number they provided was Tata Indicom starting with 5 which everyone of us know that Tata Indicom had since long time back changed their starting numbers from 5 to 6. By 7.45 PM on thursday I gave them a good mouthing and said that if the technician does not come on Friday, I must be provided with a replacement or give my money back. I have also threatened them of moving to consumer court if they do not oblige. Lets see if the technican comes today for fixing the thing.
Just imagine, the product didnt work even for 5 mins after getting it from the showroom. I hope Chinese players might last long and work without any faults than the Korean LG. Friends I would recommend you to avoid LG and go for any other brand. I have in the process of fixing the player only doubled by frustration and Telephone bills.
11th of July after lots and lots of very SWEET hindi and English words to the customer service and the area manager, I got the player replaced by a new latest model that had all the new features like Divx, 5.1 channel et al. And the most comedy thing to happen was, a service engineer called me on saturday and asked me for a time so that he can replace the damaged part of the old player. Since I was out of station I gave him a good shout for the delay and said that I have thrown away the DVD player in the bin. Had I been at home, I would have called him and asked him to leave the house.
Anyway, the new product seems to be good but the progressive scan does not seem to work. But I wont be complaining this time as I had enough of their service only to get inflated telephone bill.