This was my firtst LED monitor and I used this for 3 years. It is very good in terms of picture quality. It has a aspect ratio of 16:10 which I didnt like because for entertainment purpose you always want a 16:9 ratio.
I dont why mouthshut is asking for sound reception this is only a monitor.
If you want it as a home entertainment desktop this is good but if you like to watch movies very much then I think you should buy a monitor with 16:9 ratio.
It is a very durable product as LG always provides durable things.
Service of LG is very good, everybody knows that they provides a very good service in the warrenty period. This monitor comes with a one year warrenty.
If you want a monitor for home use, this is very good but if you want to buy a 16:9 ratio monitor than lood for other options.