I dont write phone reviews. Im a harsh critic when it comes to electronics and most of the time every device is good until you use it for some time so longevity wise the verdict is still out on this one but ill have to say Im utterly shocked that LG has put out such a well rounded device. I wont write a long review because people dont like to spend all day reading so ill get to the point.
Features is what creates a better user experience.
The number one thing that stands out to me about this device is the Knock Knock. This allows you to turn your phone on and off by just simply tapping the screen twice. I dont have to worry about fiddling with the power button to wake the device up. Youll be amazed how much easier this feature makes your life become.
Answer a phone call by placing the device close to your ear.
Pause videos by looking away from the screen, resume once again by looking at the screen. I know the Samsung GS series first started using this but I find it useless.
QSlide - Allows you to multitask by creating a mini version of certain useful apps on the desktop while simoltaneously accessing other apps in the background. LOVE IT!
Clip Tray - Cut and paste has changed for ever. This feature allows you to copy anything to the clip tray including text, documents and images and stores them for later use. You then can paste anything from you clip tray anywhere, anytime. LOVE IT!
Dual Mode - Allows you to take a picture of two images at one, camera utilizes the front facing and back facing lenses for a shot.
Video Snap shot - Allows you to take pictures while recording a video. Actually this feature allows you to take a snap shot pic of ANY video weather created by the LG camera or one you found on your SD Card. Like that
Say It - Allows you to speak certain keywords to take a picture. LOVE IT!
Now some of these features you may or may not have already heard in other devices but I think its the execution of the LG that makes these features worth while. For instance the Say it keyword for the camera to take a pic is on the Samsung Galaxy S series but Ive seen my sister bark several commands using keywords and it worked 1 out of 10 tries. Terrible!
Battery and Snapdragon processor I wont discuss because these are covered in great detail everywhere you look about this phone. These two are hands down the best two features of this, simply amazing!
This device is a huge finger print collector because of the material its constructed from. Shouldnt be a big deal.
Speaker phone is average,
Audio hasnt been the greatest. For some reason users voices on a phone call sometimes sounds scrambled or digitized.that could be a sim card issue not sure but ive experienced this quite often.