If you wish to buy the LG G3 smart phone, go ahead. Note that it was LG Flagship not long ago.Therefore with the current price tag and a flagship phone, it will be a good deal.
Some settings that need to be applied :
Outside, in the open air, when its sunny, turn the Brightness auto to Yes. It will automatically adjust itself with the outside brightness. In my case I put the brightness to 49% as default value. When inside the room or building, I OFF the Brightness Auto and when outside I turn it to ON. It also depends on your eyesight. Try it. It works perfectly well. People wrongly complain about it.
Turn the wifi on only when required. This will allow you to save the battery.
Use the smart bulletin only you going out for jogging. It will be helpful. Else put it off.
Look well at the power outlet when you want to charge your phone. Higher voltage may slowly destroy your battery. In case of power cut remove you charger from the power outlet. In some cases power surge may destroy your battery. This is why I charge my phone when Im awake or in the surroundings.
Always show the battery percentage on the status bar. When charging, when its 100% charged, it gives an alarm. You may remove the charger from the power outlet. This will allow to keep your phone charger in good condition for long time.
Go to battery usage. Check if some apps are running in the backend and if they are not required stop them.
I have been using the LG G3 for more than 1 year without any issues. I can leave it without charging for almost 1.5 days.