LGs G5300i is priced at Rs 8, 500. It offers a good balance of features and performance. It will probably see stiff competetion from Nokias older 6610, which has nearly the same features set, save 64K colour support.
This phone is compact enough to easily fit in your pocket. Build quality is great and the phone feels rugged comparable to Nokias 3310.
The phone looks are somewhat controversial, in the sence that there can be contrasting views some may like it, some may not. The silver body has bits of chrome lining the edges. Blue, smoked translusent plastic runs down the middle of the keypad, and creats some contrast with the silver. The menu navigation keys are quite hard, but provide good audible feedback. The keypad is slightly cramped and the last line is hard to reach.
The display on this phone is quite small, but the 64K colour screen offers good colour depth. Watching the wallpapers in their full glory is fun. The 16 polyphonic ringtones are loud, but not loud enough for noisy areas. The vibrator is good, though.
The menu interface is good, too, but Id like to see LG implementing a four-way directional keypad instead of the two-way button, which is difficult to use.
What I liked most about this phone is the Java support. You can install applications, melodies and games.The G5300i comes with GPRSand WAP support. Browsing the net on the colour screen is fun.