Got replacement for LG refrigerator.
I have purchased a new LG refrigerator on 25-6-2015 from Nandilath shop Calicut, vide bill number CLT 3011.
The fridge stopped working on 28-7-2015 and I have filed a complaint with LG, vide Complaint number RNA 150727064981. LG service engineer came on 28-7 2015 and told that the gas leaked out. Now a days refrigerator is very essential for daily life. I posted the issue in mouthshut also. Also Nandilath shop has also taken up the issue.
LG replaced it with new one. Thanks to LG, mouthshut and Nandilath. The company should replace the defective products with new ones if it got damaged in one month. Thanks to mouthshut once again.