I purchased LG GR 282 MVF Refrigerator some time in early 2002. This was a replacement for my Godrej 160ltr frige. I choose this considering its size and the Nutrition preserving tehnology boasted by LG. The vegetables started getting rotten whatever way I keep them in this frige.
The LG Service personnel came and adjusted the two settings in the frige several times, but there was never an improvement. I have tried keeping the vegetables without wrapper, with wrapper, with wrappers with holes, with open plastic bags, etc., all these methods have failed.
Finally I got an answer from the LG service that the design of the frige itself is falutly and they cannot help further. That is the way it is I was told. The vegetables quickly loose moisture in this frige and the water droplets cling to the vegetables making them rot and loose all the nutrition.
Later I have cheked other manufacturers refrigerators and found that they function much better than the LG. I have an LG Computer monitor, LG CD Drive and LG Wahsing machine. Except the washing machine, all others are problematic.
East or west LG is the worst!