I have been using this phone for past 2-3 days and I am ready with my verdict. Previouly I had Nokia E71(symbian), Samsung i780(Windows), sony touch P91i, etc.
This is a good toy phone for people who cant afford iphone. They can experience some touch gestures and fun of rotation, sliding, animations, big fonts, and big buttons. Though this screen is not a multi-touch like iphone and is not static charge based, its a resistive pressure sensitive screen with only single touch. But you can still have some guestures like scroll, flip, etc.
The fonts are big enough so people can read that easily, unlike windows mobile fonts that are tiny enough to carry a lens.
the screen is bright(256k) then the usual HTC phones(65k). But still you cant see in daylight.
sound is good but the quality is not good. IT sounds like you are banging an empty drum.
The phone is compact and light weight .
battery life is ok. last for 1.5days with 2hr take time and contast screen playing.
This is my favorite.
I think LG designers forget many common-sense things while making this UI. This is not their problem. Its problem with company strategy. LG has not been able to develop an evolving UI platform that they can perfect in each model like nokia. Instead, they do great innovation, but its half thought given. And before they fix bugs and correct their silly mistaks, the model is discontinued and the UI scrapped.
Ok. the qwerty keybord is just a joke. They forget that for a thumb to operate on a touch screen, there is a need of minimum contact area. They have done same mistake Microsoft has done by having a keyborad so tiny, that you remember thier chief everytime you remove that stylus. Microsoft forget that this is a phone and its supposed to be used on the fly in outdoors. But they created a replica of desktop and gave users a stylus to solve their mistakes. The world has changed by iphone who has boldly came out with thumb based interactions. Now each company is just copying them.
While typing sms, the screen rotates to landscape for keyboard, but when you try to select receipts, the screen again rotates to portrait, then again to landscape. Perhaps designers forget to keep the interactions in same mode.
There is no way to stop that suggested in keyboard mode.
In a nutshell, you cant use that keyboard and its there just for a feature checklist.
The screen is not that responsive. Many times in contacts or sms or email it dosent respond even after multiple touches.
Now my favorite stupid thing - LG designers have copied a microsoft windows mobile feature in dial pad, but implement to show name matching numbers. Who the hell remembers numbers. If I type a name in dial pad, it should actually match that name in my contact book and show that before I dial. But these guys have done the most stupid thing of matching names by number. Who remembers everyone mobile numbers? may be they couldnt copy Microsoft as it may be patented.
Other funny thing. the sms and email view screen shows only 2-3 words in one line. There is no space or the font is so big that each line is just 2 words. Will you read a paragraph with 2 words per line. can you read that. Such a nonsense and mistake.
There is no way, to copy a text from email or sms and past somewhere. There is no copy-past in any function. This is now common in every base model of nokia or sonyerricsion.
You get a notification of emails or sms but you cant click that. you have to go to menu and get there.
I cant add shortcuts to desktop other then just those predefined 4 shortcuts- FM radio, galary, clock, etc.
It gives constant error that the there is not space for new emails even if I have set my 2GB card as primary storage. I dont know wht the bug is this.
There is no option to reduce the email download limit then 100kb. So each of my 500 emails get downloded and I run out of my data transfter plan. normally Windows mobile and Symbian have 5kb as the limit and here its 100kb. Not much thought given while creating email system. I know its not a business phone. But these are just silly things.
The camera is most stupid with 3mp without AutoFocus. There is not focusing. The pictures are blure. Also the video frame rate is just 12fps where is most of nokia is 30fps. This low frame rate give you a cartoon movie shooting.
So what is this phone finally. Bad camera, terrible sound quality, no good sms and emailing. I think its a toy for people who want to play. The practicality of this phone is very limited.