Thanks for giving me an opportunity to write a review on my phone,
The sales man really misguided me about the battery of this phone he said the battery would back for three days with full battery but there is not much battery back up in it & more over there are not more service stations around and my earphone is not been working properly after two months of its purchase. my charger is not working properly & every time I have to tie a rubber band around the charger for it to charge my mobile & sometimes it automatically switches off when all the important calls are expected from people & when I switch on my mobile it doesnt show the list of people who have called after the mobile is switched on , this makes me feel really horrible about this mobile
The quality is really substandard , I am really repenting for the moneys worth I have spent on it and I also advise people not to opt for this model.
Hope it reaches to the people who sell it in the open market & the people who gives the service. Every day I call up to the service care no but they dont respond instantly.
(Naveen Babu)