I purchased new LG appliances from Home Depot including the newest LG LMVM2075 over the range microwave. Within a few months it died, for no good reason- no power surge, electrical storm, nothing, which was summer of 2007. I went through LG customer support and months later, after numerous repair calls which I had to miss work, they took the microwave and determined they didnt know what had happened, so after numerous calls because the general customer service department was telling me I had to ship it back, which after I spoke to what they call an "RA" informed me that they were wrong.
While this was going on months passed, I had to purchase a counter microwave. In September of 2007 they finally installed the new microwave. One and half months later it died just like the other one, for no good reason, it just died. I know it is not an problem with the site because my old whirlpool microwave that was there was in that same spot for years and years and is now working just fine in the home I gave it away to. I have now contacted the BBB because I believe that given the same thing happened to the same LG microwave that this product is defective and I dont want someone to go through what I am having to go through now.
I now am getting the run around and my warranty will run out in January because even though I purchased it in January it was back ordered until March, but your warranty starts at the time you purchase not at the time you receive it.