I happened to visit my friends showroom at cochin. He has done renovation recently and fitted his showroom with a 2 ton LG Split A/c. He wanted to give a good feel for his customers hence the renovation.
The problem is that water is dripping from the unit. He promptly informed the service people who turned up on the third day. They rectified the problem for a day as the same problem continued from the next day. Instead of providing a good feel for his customers he is embarased as water drips on the customers.
The service people again tried to rectify the problem with no sucess. They are neither able to rectify the problem nor able to detect why the problem is arising nor able to rectify the defects. Instead of concentrating on selling more and do good sales during the season time he had to spend a lot of time running behind the service people with no results in the end. He is really fed up as the service people are not able to provide a long-term solution for his problems.