Last summers I was looking for an air conditioner for my two rooms.... after having detailed analysis of the performance, price tag n brand value of various models available from various brands, I decided to go for this one based on its pricing and based on my experience with LG products.
i took two(1.5 Ton) of this model with remote... I think at that time it was cheapest and the best in this segment....n it proved to be wonderful
with in a lil time it gives the indication of its presence, features wise its complete n a remote makes the life easier.....
presence of all the features on remote prove very handy.... u can adjust the temp/modes/fan speed very easily... and a room of a medium(12*12 or a lil bigger) size can be easily converted in to hill station, ..... I dont think its of any use if u try this in any bigger room....n very lil sound(bearable too)
once I started using this, I became so habitual that any power cut forced me to get down to my car, switch on the AC n go for a long drive...
electricity consumption I never tried to find out what difference has this made but overall my bill did nt show any big swing....