I bought the 23" LCD Monitor TV (i.e. LG-M237WA ) a month ago. I thought of it as it was TV+Monitor+Speakers, it would be cost cutting and efficient use of space etc.
23 monitors cost about 3000 less than this product. So I bought this.
Quality of speakers is just good for TV, no movie or music or gaming capabilities. Its just average and even 500rs speakers would surpass its quality. LCD picture quality is so-so, youll not be able to see dark/night scenes that good in this, besides the pictures look pale rather than bright white. Games can be played on this combo, but the white and black levels wont be very different as in other LCD monitors.TV would look good only if you have DTH/high quality connection. Avg. quality cable TV wont look good as the screen is quite big. Remote and TV functions are quite good.
if you would go for a LCD Monitor + TV Tuner + Speakers, you would be much happier and satisfied for the bang and buck. This combo is just an option if you do not want to go for the above option. Depending on which (2, 2.1, 5.1 etc) speakers you choose, you could still get LCD Monitor + TV Tuner + Speakers near to the price of this LCD Monitor-TV combo.