I didnt buy this microwave. It came as a wedding gift from our team.
I wasnt considering buying one, but it turned out to be the most useful one!
The microwave came with plastic microwave-able utensils and a cookbook. The book is useful to make some easy stuff. Even the utensils are very useful. I recently discovered that many restaurants which give home delivery, give stuff in plastic boxes which are microwave-able. This was a good option. I can just freeze stuff I want and use the microwave to defrost it later. works wonders.
The LG service was not so useful for me. The plastic ring on which the glass tray rotates came broken. After 4-5 calls I gave up as they didnt manufacture such small parts which was irritating. If you dont manufacture why do u sell it ??
Finally we fixed it with the help of fevikwik and it worked fine.
My 555 comes with a Grill which is good when making pizzas and stuff.
It also has grill-micro combos.
The setting for defrosting or usage are good. It takes some time to learn the controls but its fairly easy to use.
It requires a huge plug point.
But I would recommend a Microwave for any working woman as its of great help to do small things fast.