I searched for lg g4 product in the list but I didnt find so I entered in lgs other product to write how worst is lg g4.its a 50000 rupee mobike phone and I bought it 20 days before now the problem with the handset is
1.it sswitches off automaticaally evenif the battery is full and takes so much of time to get it switch on, once it took more than three hours, and one day it gets switchd of more than 4 times
when it switches off battery drains from full charge to less than 10% whnever it gets on.
The handset is getting so hot sometimes. Some times it is normal but sometimes it heats and afaid of explosion. When charging also it gets high heat.
Camera and features are good but this is the probleem I faced and I went to the service centre and the person there told me to do restart the factiry settings and install apps
One by one so that we can findout becaause of which app the phine is getting problem. I did the same but without any apps it is getting swutched off. It switches off mostly when using internet. I used antivirus and tried cleaning virusses if t is tgere but I found no virus.
Pls hellp me to solve this problem