Hello Public,
This is Kedar here from Pune writing a review for LG RD 6230. As I said in the title dont take it because you will be addicted by the product, this is my personal experience because the piece is damn cool.
Some things you will require for making it cool which include a Serial or a Usb cable, a good card (my suggestion is dont go for any pirated card, come on when you have invested?? more than 5K for the product, then why not shell out some money for the accessiories) a card reader (its a must because PC Sync software will take 1 to 1.5 hours for just copying the song) I am using Tech-com reader) and that finishes the matter, in no time you will be addicted.
The addiction will keep you singing in a WC, Bathroom, While Driving and every where, where His Highness Mr. Amitabh Bacchan can eat Hajmola.
The sound clarity is just superb, camera is excellent, the features are good. I also found somebody saying LG before product is nice wrt R World features, but believe me guys dont care, in this scientific world do you really believe in Horoscope. Dont bother about songs downloading from R world, it will cost you, invest in good card and play your music.
The only draw back is about the service which LG service center provides, the guys are non technical will not help you in anything and my believe is explore yourself, the results are good.
Believe me guys NOKIA is just like Punes Chitales Pedha or Bakarwadi, you need to shell out more money just for the name, if you are brand conscious and you girl friend loves only Nokia then go for it. LG can be value for money.
So finally go for it. The budget will be around 7800/- for handset + 300/- for Card Reader + 900/- for Card + 1800/- the cable (all genuine) = 10, 800/-.
And now think if you are going only for the mp3 feature you can get a good mp3 player for too less (say around 3K to 5K) and a basic handset for 2100/- (with all the Dhating of incomming free and what not) then why go for 6230.
Think Think Think.