Hi Guys,
i am not understanding why relience LG 6230 gives SD card facility Bacause I purchase Mini SD Card 1100 Rs But mobile canot read data of SD Card .Please help me any body if you have any idea of SD Card data tranfer in LG 6230 Relience Mobile.
my email id is hanish16jan@yahoo.co.in
Pleaze anybody knows than please how can I use it. and also give advise which driver and which browser I am using so atlest through datacable I will transer some mp3 and other things. and give me answer why relience not give all package of SD Card , Software, Datacable and others. I am finding this in market my mobile rate is going increase its total cost about 10000Rs
Pleaze anybody knows than please how can I use it. and also give advise which driver and which browser I am using so atlest through datacable I will transer some mp3 and other things. and give me answer why relience not give all package of SD Card , Software, Datacable and others. I am finding this in market my mobile rate is going increase its total cost about 10000Rs