This happens to be my first review on Mouthshut - and unfortunate as it is, its not a very positive reveiw. For most of you, the incident and review would be trivial - but nevertheless I wanted to share my experience with you all.
The product as it is not a bad product - I have used two different moonlight phones myself - and it provides overall value for money - but behold, all that is true only until the product works.
This product has a major fault in the design of its PCB. Both of my moonlight suddenly (After a period of 1 year and 2yr and 2 months for both respectively) stopped working - suddenly the phone would hang - its like your PC going into endless booting loop - yes, this model will also try to start - with starting splash screen - will hang there for a few seconds - and reboot again - only to go into looping....and this has happened suddenly without any external problems - no water, no extra usage etc
Having said that - I must confess, that for the while the phone works, its not bad to use - it has a feature that it can double up as modem - I have connected to reliance internet network quite extensively through the phone
Now the servicing:
Unfortunate as it is - LG has neglected the CDMA service agents totally - completely. Most of the service agents are ill informed, technically incapable of providing a good service, and most of all after your and mine money.
(I rather wanted this to be a review of service provider - but there is no section for "review of dealer / service provider" as in the category of Automobiles on Mouthshut)
I will quote specific example and have enough proofs with me to substantiate my point.
So this mobile, suddenly during one of the weekdays, conks off. Having a travel in pipeline - and having to use my mobile for official purposes - I had to take it immediately to the service station.
I took the unfortunate suicidal mobile to G.S.SYSTEMS - mount road - chennai - service station. These guys are totally money minded. They told me that service charges would be approx 160rs and the phone will start working. They got me to pay 56 Rs advance (50 for servicing and rest tax). I happily gave 56Rs and asked them to check. They after around 15 mins told me that there is a manufacturing defect with the product and the entire PCB for the phone would need to be changed (For those who do not understand - its equivalent of saying - engine change for a Car - or Picture tube change for a TV). then he gave some gyaan about how company is subsidizing the cost of the part and would bear the cost mostly and I will have to pay only 561. I asked about the delivery - they told me that it would be possible only next day. Since I was travelling on the same day, I said I did not have time to get it serviced. Voila - they tell me, I can come anytime and get it serviced, suddenly our man at receiption, starts scribbling a couple of forms - hands me over a very phoney piece of paper titled "Estimate": Ridiculously the details of their estimate says Rs500 towards Service, Rs 61 towards service tax - does not mention the part replacement - not even giving description of problem. This is their idea of the "Estimate" of the repairs.
Since I dont have a choice, to either try goint to another service station which would give me quicker service, or buy another mobile immediately - I need to head out. And these guys refuse to return me the amount he took from me. There was no service of my product, there was no part changed, they simpley took my mobile, after 10 mins handed me back saying I need to change the part. And when I dont want to get it serviced, they refuse to give money back. They tell me that the Rs 56 was taken towards the estimate: which is just a printed voucher, with Rs 561 scribbled with pen - not even giving a breakup or problem with mobile - or what they itend to charge me Rs 561 for.
Now I am not quite sure, if this is nexus between the company and the service network, but its harrowing experience for any user. I have experienced it more than once with LGs service network in India. And I have to admit, it does not give any great impression about LG Products or their commitment towards customer satisfaction.
So in conclusion: I head for another service station. I hand them over my mobile, they explain me that this mobile (may be the batch - or more so I belive - the model completely) is faulty. Company is replacing the PCB - which would otherwise cost upwards of Rs 3000 and I need to pay only Rs 500. Not everyday, one wakes up with a dream, that he is getting a new mobile - and not everyday one can afford to buy a new mobile. Using reliance service, one has to opt for limited mobile handset companies - LG being first ones to enter CDMA in India - not many are left with choices. However in last 2-3 years, since the time I use Reliance connections for my family (2 numbers), I at least had to change 4-5 mobiles. This does not speak too good for the products. Not to mention the servicing.
In hindsight, this might be insignificant amout of money, or small entry level product. But in larger picture its service and the products of the company. I must admit - I am not a big admirer of the Korean conglomerate - and would definitely not recommend it to anyone else.
Thanks for your patience!!!