I am using this handset for last 1 and half month, and frankly speaking, I somewhat regret my decission.
Why I bought it: Tempted by the prospect of owning a color handset for 5000/-, with 8 line display, speaker phone U& hands free. Little dis I know that there are catches ...
Sound/Audio: Average, ie as good as any other model. Speaker phone is there, which has a decent, loud sound. Hands free is also provided, which is also up to the mark.
Display: Huge 8 lie color display with great clarity. And now, lots of things that renders it useless. The display is almost invisible in brght sunlight. Great disadvantage in a sunny country like ours. Morever, the display shuts off automatically after 1 minute. Now, this is a uniquely irritating bug, and I dont think any other handset in the world has it .
At first I thought that there would be some stting to prevent it, but I was wrong. LG has the audacity to put it in there manual that after 1 min. the display would shut down. This is the point I start to feel cheated, but hold on there is more...
Battery: Now, this is one of the major deciding factor whether to buy a handset or not. This handset scores miserably in this regard. It has at best 1 hr talk time and 2 days standby time. In plain english, if you happen to make/receive calls for around 1 hr, you better charge it every two days.
Not only this is way below waht LG claims (I dont recall the exact figures, you can verify yourself), but also quite ordinary compared to models from Nokia & Samsung. Mind it - this ordinary battery life is inspite of the fuss it creates by shutting the display off... Moreover, its battery meter is inaccurate. Take it from me - a weak battery life with inacurate battery meter is a deadly combo for the user.
Other little teases:
Quite heavy and bulky. The charger point is at the side. Very inconvenient to hold the phone and talk while it is charging.
SMS alert is useless. You never know when you have got an sms (screen is usually off) if you are away from the phone/travelling/in a crowded place. THere is a sms reminder, which is equally useless Buttons are stiff and require lot of pressure. This means that they are likely to wear off early To send an sms, so many unnecessary button clicks. Options->Send->Find->Last to Groups ->Select no. ->Send (minimum 6 clicks vs normal 3/4)
Finding a number in address book is very very slow. Can take as much as 5 SECONDS! (YES I MEANT 5 SECONDS!) If you do not have any entry in the address book starting with say J, but a couple with K or L, and you press J, most (if not all!) phones take you to entries starting with J or K. But this handset displays an error message and takes you back to the top of the address book. So, the advantage of large address book gets nullified by the poor access management.
The phone makes unnecessary sounds while shutting down & coming up. Need to keep it in silent mode, to prevent this.
Date/Time could not be altered. Strange!!!!
My bitter experience: The battery I believe also exhausts rapidly when I am out of the coverage area. I travelled to some place out of bangalore last week and faced this. I charged it throughout the previous night, and yet it went out of power within 7 pm in the evening. I had talked only for 3 mins that day and sent a couple of smss and thats all. Moreover, when you are out of the service area, you wont see the date time in your phone. Not sure who is respensible Reliance or LG but surely it bugs users to no end. The phone gets hot even if the conversation lasts for around 10 minites