My uncle has bought this lG refrigetor of rupees 12000 new. My uncle lives near our home. We all had gone to see this refrigerator .
This refrifmgerator was so big and high . Its works so good . And they have 1 year gurranty and warranty in it.
But after 3 months this refrigerator doests gave good cooling air in it and this refrigerator cant do ice in this. And this refrigerator gets reducing her ability of making ice and cant make cold things.
One day my uncle checked it. And when they opened the dooor they gets electric current in her hand.
When we inform customer service to gets another refrigetor in thats refrigerator because we have 1 years gurranty and warranty. They denied us to do that.
When we show him thats card they told that it war 2 years old warranty card. They cheated us in refrigerator.
And we cant get our refrigerator and lost our 12000 ruppes.
My uncle felt very bad because they lost their money and refrigerator both.
After this moment my uncle doesnt buy any refrigerator because that company had cheted them .
My uncle was very sad from that day.
I wish that god will punish them who had cheted them in refrigerator . And cheted them in their money because those refrigetor actual price was rupees 8000 and we had given them rupees 12000 .
Therefore I request u all to pls dont but this LG companys refrigerator because they are frauds. I hope to banned this companys refrigerator.
Pls dont buy this refrigerator.