Hi friend, I brought LG Washing Machine WD-1275QDT almost 7 month ago and it was cost to me almost 25000 rupees but my experience is totally bad using this costly product.
Its capacity is 6 kg only, and maximum speed of motor is 1000 rpm, power 1700w. It has 2 year warranty .This machine’s dryer tab is not proper work and the timer tab do not move more than 20 minutes. I’m fed up with this machine. I did calls many of time the service center and say my problem. Then the engineers come and repair the product.Their service is totally just waste. The timer or dryer or bathtub or drain pipe everything in the machine is just of thin quality. Bad sound comes out from machine. Customer service is not good. Most off the times they do not received phone calls.
I do not recommend you to buy this product of LG. Try other brands product. I will give it 1 star out of 5 stars.
Thank you.