Life Insurance Corporation of India is one of the best Insurance companies in the world.
The term LIC is a house-hold name trusted by crores and crores of Indians throughout the world.The customer service is very prompt and courteous;Claims settlement expeditious;
Rates are flexible and affordable;Range of plans kaleidoscopic suiting to the pockets of people belonging to various walks of life;Staff attitude commendable.
LIC does not look like a corporate striving for profit;It is a movement working for the benefit of the people.
I took an insurance for 15 years under endowment scheme and when the term ended, the office people arranged an agent to deliver the check for the maturity amount , to my house, and gave me a pleasant surprise.
Whoever the staff may be, to whichever branch they belong, they have an uniform character.
They respect people, behave in a brotherly or sisterly attitude and they find immense pleasure in serving the people.
It is not a flattery.If you want to check the authenticity of my statement you go to the enquiry counter of any of the branch of LIC anywhere in India.You will be promptly given the reply or clarification you want.
LIC is a lovable Insurance corporation; Love Indians Corporation;
Lend thine hand to the people
LIC has no equals throughout the world;
I Love India;
I Love LIC;
Please take a policy in LIC and enjoy its services!
There are no equivalent words to describe its immense benefits.