I am member of LIC Future Plus since july 2005 - LIC agent was in touch from February 2004 till I get the policy - then I relocate to Delhi- I tried to call centre there was very good response, and they told to visit nearest branch - I visited nearest branch which in Delhi 96, every one was busy they dont have time to see who is there or what he is doing with their work - I dont no what work and dont ask about this its known as public office but work looks like government offices, we belive if we put our hard money in lic we get around good money after yrs, and we are insured - is there anyone who got in time settlement, I visited to branch thrice and no response-
I am with my cheques to pay the next premium but I could not get proper help - then at last I met to a south indian officer and she tried to resolve my issue unfortunately the server was not able to give any response its mandatory in government office, then she told that I cant pay in other than my branch so I need to visit bangalore to pay the premium of 30, 000/- and again I need to pay the flight charges of around 6000/- min and gerneral expense etc. basically people think if we put our hard money in lic we are safe - but I humbly request LIC is taking our blood in first 3 yrs with hidden charges - I f u can good enough please put the same money in FDs or try to invest in good share market easily we can earn min 15%. here icant pay via credit card - even I sent 3 courier to branch with cheque but the branch manager is not able to get all those courier - it proves still they are in olden days - public is in old age - I clearly mention about agent - when I was trying to clal her no response her son pick and says mom is sleeping or out side the home - I have give n my nos but no response - but recently I claled to branch manager for an update - he did in very good way where I hope my money is still alive in lic. no credit card facility or online
i have one more policy from aviva, from call centre to marketing executive was around 6 months to give the best service, @ last I put my hard money in aviva of 25k, every quarter I get a update from aviva - feels ok something is happening - I can see online what is happening on my money whether is it in growth or its decrees - no credit card facility
Max new york & Sun birla is a very good - and soft they acept credit cards to pay the bills and good humanism.