This agent driven navaratna behemoth corporation of our country is only dreaming of big ticket policies. You get lavish illustrations for the next 5, 10, 15, 20 years. You just dont worry just sign a check of whatever amount the agent & DO arrives at [ After immense calculation sheets among those two !! ].
Bingo, you have hit the jackpot. You sign on the dotted line..[ After paying for the medical tests and smiling gleefully at the assurance that you will get back the money spent for medical tests. Even after 1 year when the original policy docs did not reach you, your previous policy premium reminder did not reach you.
You see huge neon hoardings that we are the largest insurer, best in customer service. Beautiful ladies, cute children playing with multi-coloured balls, un capped highlighter assure you.
Filled with GAS you wrongly venture in LIC office !!!! Infront of DOs table dozens of agents with reams of paper and calculator wait for the ALMIGHTY with all the patience in th world.
He arrives with an air of superiority. You keep on waiting for your turn, you try to take him on a flashback....he has no time. Please come to the point. Policy document ??? Did not reach, did you say ??? Postal error....For GOD sake dont disturb with these petty things..write an will be considered on its due merit.
Previous policy premium reminder did not reach you ??? Your should be more careful and cough up the mullah on time.....dont talk of private insurers....service....LIC provides the best service.....Penalty you will have to bear for not paying on time.....
TIME....almost 45 minutes official talk now....chit-chat with colleagues...went to childs school for P.T.meeting, watched DRONA on pirated DVD, ooohhhh.. I have a sales call with XYZ agent...some high salaried donkey will show him a illustration of at least Rs.40, 000 /=.....BYE...will reach office tomorrow by 12:30.....Excuse me.....