LIC has the name in India and had a goodwill but the service of this company is too bad.My grandfather has been deposited 50000 Rs as a Insurance for my dad 10 Years ago.And in 2016 we had been given the money for this by the interest the total money cost around the lakhs and thats why I had gone to the LIC Company for my money and they listed that it will not given from here and I had gone to Mumbai main office to collect this money from more arguments they didnt change their decision and I had to go to Mumbai to collect money as soon I had reaced mumbai Main LIC office what they said that the money will collect from your city only and not from here than my tempered loss and I argued for 2 days and after 2 days they given me the cheque of after 15 days.that to many money waste and Time waste and I had got my money after the 2 months from the procedure has been started so not to insure this company and not to apply money in insurance in this company they have the very Bad Service and Worst Customer Satisfaction.
And the staff attitude is worst than ever I had expeerience