LIC is the largest life insurance company in India with a huge presence in both urban and rural markets.
Its distribution is unmatched and has a strong agent force which reaches out to every small town in India ensuring that their products are being offered to one and all in the country.
The insurance products of LIC are often the most simple and consumer friendly and it is displayed by the enormous response it gets to the launch of any new product. LIC has an insurance product for almost any need - from protection, savings and investments, micro-insurance plans to special plans for women and even for handicapped individuals.
The insurance agents of LIC have been the backbone of the company for long and their agent network keeps getting bigger by the day.The Life Insurance Corporation of India(LIC) offers Unit Linked Insurance Plans designed to help their clients achieve substantial returns on their investments as well as help them save tax even if they don’t draw a consistent income.
LIC ULIP Plans offer protection and flexibility in investment, where the premium paid is used to purchase units in investment assets chosen by the policyholder. The Life Insurance Corporation of India provides its customers with Unit Linked Plans which assure the policyholder of good returns through market linked growth along with the added facility of life insurance coverage.