500g Chicken pack is with 19 small pieces as in Lucious App!!!. So you can cross check with Lucious App to verify this review, if you are yet to buy Chicken from Lucious. Because of this only getting less flesh bone pieces so Lucious can sell flesh as boneless products at tripple cost at our expense.
Even Biryani cut w 16 small pieces when other sellers hv 4 to 5 pieces in 500g Biryani cut with flesh!!! Full chicken skinless cut option not given too.
So buy only if you are happy w flesh less pieces. We stopped buying chicken from Lucious,
However Fish is good. 0 star for chicken, 5 star for fish.
Must stop fooling strategy, rectify above.
Request to Lucious team,
If you bother about customer feedback and improvements, then start giving either big chicken pieces with flesh or provide option to buy full chicken with skinless cuts than fooling people with too many small pieces w max bone weight and very less flesh.
You can check Lucious App or see how you are selling than asking me to contact. I have nothing more to provide.
The issue is with your product as published in Licious App. Even if you need to charge more, do that than fooling customer with above-mentioned strategy for chicken products. Give for what is paid.
Hope Lucious consider feedback and improve than defending.