All of know that LIC is established in India with a long years of service. Recently LIC advertised for paying the LIC premium directly from the net.
When I actually tried browsing the contents of, the results were really surprising....
1. The site page allows to link to site https://icici.cim/icicibank/elecbill/index.html.....If u observe clearly, How come one can get connected to the net as the pointer is directing to icici.cim instead of
2. If you browse through the customer grievance section, it asks you to fill up the form with details which is pain in neck for another 10 to 20 mins, filling the details...Why do we require so many details, Why cant the LIC trace out the customer information with reference to policy number.
Finally no links are available to enable us to talk or communicate with the right person for the right information, AND no links available to get the right information......
How LIC will be able to break the chain of Agents and allow customers to directly interact with the LIC principals or the any customer support available(In fact LIC doesnt has any customer response cell)
On one side LIC wants to run in the race of eCommerce while on the other side LIC is not able to identify the change required in the management which is most of the time busy with Ghutka or Panparag.
When will our Indian generation will be able to smell the taste of eCommerce in this new century.
Here LICindia must have quality and customer response cell before flashing any wage ideas on the NET.