LIC has of late been splurging on adspend, and releasing fancy ads promising you the moon. Dont believe a word of it. Lic is one of the dumbest, apathetic, bureacratic, and pathetic organisations ever in our socio-economic life. They have enjoyed the monopoly status so long that they take the customers forgranted. Customer service! whats that? LIC has never heard of the term. It took them 1 full year and umpteen number of reminders to transfer my policies from Delhi to Bnagalore, I had to push the Zonal Manager, who was surprisingly helpful, and replied my e-mails pronto!
The policies have been transfered to Bangalore, but my new address has not been informed to Bangalore office, and the Bangalore division is stupid enopugh to write to my Delhi address asking for a confirmation. It didnt occur to them that if I had been staying in Delhi why on earth would I want my policies transfered to Bangalore?
The attitude of the Agents too is equally deplorable, While selling you a policy, they will run around you, after that they will never show you their facer, nor will help you. Its time LIC pulled up their socks and put their house in order, else with the private sector now coming into Insurance business with multinational tie-ups will make LIC wind up the show.