The book is quite readable just like any other sort of book. The font size is just appropriate.
The story is narrated by a girl named Ankita . She is a fresher in St. Agnes college and she she soon has a long distance relationship with her school friend, a relationship which in which she cheats .she is a daughter of a conservative Indian family but still manages to stay in contact with her boyfriend through letters. She enters the college and soon becomes famous and is also elected for the committee. She along with her friends has lots of fun and also falls in love with the guy from Mahaveer college named Abhishek . Time passes and then she is about to graduate, she along with her friends and Abhi prepare for entrance examination in MBA course. they work hard but only ankita gets to study in Bombay rest of them just manage to get into the local college. at this point her boyfriend wants her to stay in Cochin with him . But she was blinded by her ambitions, she refused to do so which resulted in abhis suicide . this leaves her in complete shock and guilt, but it doesnt stop her from pursuing her dream.moreover his dad gets a job in Bombay, so they shift in Bombay to continue her studies.
she is completely transformed in Bombay, she gets super energetic and does a whole lot of activities like jogging, painting, writing poetry, making notes and performed excellent in her academics . it was as though something had got inside her. This actually sounds weird to me, how could things like these happen suddenly to her . What surprises me more is her sudden depression which comes after her parents burnt the letters she wrote to her long distance boyfriend and a letter by abhi written in blood. at this point she is accompanied by fear, emptiness and what not. she was doing just fine and this sudden change didnt make sense to me, at first I thought it could be because her parents burnt the letters but then in her book she states it wasnt because of the letters.
Anyways she goes into deep depression, her parents take her to 2 psychiatrist in Bombay with no results but more anxiety and darkness for her. then the change in her life comes when she goes to doctor Madhusudhan in Bangalore, who discovers that she suffers from bipolar disorders . His words and motivation helps her to come out of the darkness she was in . She stays in there for about 2 months and experiences complete change in her life . She then opts for writing as her profession .
although the writers choice of words in the novel is great, but I fail to understand why ankita went into depression . she has described every scene and emotion in great detail but what I thought it lacked was proper plot .