I am not a great book reader myself, but when a close friend gifted me the book- Life of Pi, I brought it along with me to the US from India. When I started reading it, I realized that the gift was indeed priceless ! Whenever I carried the book with me to any airport/flight I was always approached by strangers who were more than keen to offer unsolicited appreciation for the book.
At first the book presents a rather wierd story which is almost unpalatable. But slowly with impeccable details, Yann manages to convince the reader of the authenticity of the entire episode. The book gets more interesting as the pages are turned and it becomes simpler to relate yourself to the state of affairs of the young Pi Patel - a long journey on a boat with a Royal Bengal Tiger.
I found the ending of the story the most astonishing and remarkable part. It can be appreciated only by those who read it to the end. I almost couldnt quite comprehend the true story until I read the end twice.
For people who liked Tom Hanks in Castaway, its a must read.