There are times when we start believing that God is really being kind by blessing us with all that we wish for but there are two ways to it:1) We get what we wish for but after sometime we realize it was a wrong choice.2) God does not grant our wishes & we think He is being cruel & have a grudge/regret throughout our lives.In either case we, human really behave selfish & think & want only what we think would make us happy. HAPPINESS – is only our own happiness that matters, what about our parents expectations, our true friends…do we think about them in such a phase??
No, especially when we want our love of life to be our partner throughout. Real happiness could only be attained if we forget completely about our comfort & happiness but think about others – either known or unknown people. There is so much corruption nowadays that it is difficult to find a real needy person. Another factor of not doing so is TIME. We are all busy at home, at office & seldom have time to really do some good deed. We look upon someone else to initiate it & then we would follow…but why can’t everyone be an initiator. What ever we earn we spend on ourselves whether it is one rupee or a thousand. Our needs & wants are never met, as there is always a desire for more. Do we ever think of a poor man who might not have had food for day?
Do we think of orphan children on the roads or at shelters? Do we realize the grief of loosing a son/husband/father fighting for the country? Can feel the helplessness of a person who cannot run/speak/hear/see? No we cannot as God has made us perfect & we are so ungrateful to Him as we take all this for granted because our parents have given that protection that we fail to see & feel such things which are all around us!People ruin their family life running after money/career or lovers. Everyone must realize there are more important things in this World that need to be done by us, all of us on our individual part. Everyone is aware that world would come to an end due ozone layer being damaged by pollution. How many of us have planted a tree to show an effort to save the world? We can spend thousands on a vocation but how many of us think of helping a poor man to build a home for a lifetime with that much money? People are so cruel now days as when every morning they read the newspaper news on rapes of minors/robberies/murder, etc does not seem to move then a bit. They just make sure if they are safe in their own house forgetting that these things can happen to their family also. We only feel our pain & no one else’s. People make friends until those are helpful for them in any sense & not for a long lasting relationship. More & more people are adapting drinking, smoking & use of drugs – do their family members give them a support & to know why did they start it’s intake? Loneliness is the basic cause of all bad habits that ultimately result into ill health & then painful death! Does anyone help another human being without a selfish motive?God is remembered when there is a religious issue or they want to construct a temple, Guruduara, Mosque or Church. How many of us truly keep God in our hearts where none can see? People want to show that they believe in God by publicly donating money or giving speeches (like all those Sanyasi’s on TV every day). How do they know more about God than anyone else?? Shouldn’t we follow our heart truly & then we will surely attain salvation. Good deeds itself takes us near to God then where is the need for these Sanyasi’s who have criminal charges on them (still people follow them blindly). God is a faith irrespective of any religion, which makes us strong, & to understand the real meaning of our existence.If we are born in a financially sound family this does not mean that we forget the underprivileged ones living without the basic needs. In good times we should never forget that bad phase could hit us without any warnings. We must be good in our lives for our sake & help others for their good living.
Happiness given to other person returns to us in many folds. People live in the jungle of concrete, away from nature this does makes us also like concrete. We are cutting down forests & making buildings with a beautiful small patch of lawn, is this all that needs to be done? What about the animals who have forest as their homes?? To make our houses we are destroying their homes. We humans are becoming so inhuman without even realizing it. Humans are eat baby’ body parts or other human beings – is this an advancement towards a complete new world?? Is this what we had initially planned to do with our selves & our generations to come??These are few things I have mentioned but there are many more issues still…All we need to think is - Do we really care about anyone but ourselves??