Every one, -- The Life line Hospital working only for Corporate Sector side i.e (Accenture, TCS, CTS, PAYPAL, etc.) Because the hospital running from these income which they get from other companies. The actual fact is in these areas they working with the Department of Marketing. The MNCS giving lot of money to the Hospital, but the hospital not giving to the staffs. Especially Nurses, (Male and Female) mostly the management not taking care of their own employess, i.e staff nurses, doctors, etc.
They get lot of money from the other companies and running hospital from the remaining balances they are giving salary to the employees for the date of month end, i.e (every month after the date of 15th or 16th). Why this kolaveri, kolaveri, for this lot of staffs resigning their job every month minimum of 2 to 3 members. Can any 1 can take action regarding this... Lot of employees suffering.
If the employees were not happy sure the hospital wont be good in future.