Lifestyle Sale - Get cheated. Last month, while window shopping for a Dining Set (1+6), we came across some viable options at Lifestyle Store, Kalyani Nagar, PUNE. The Dining Set options were -
Daisy (Code-0400684743602) PRICE - Rs.24, 950/-
Petire (Code-0400819710903) PRICE - Rs.19, 950/-
Vasanta (Code-0400846840902) PRICE - Rs.25, 950/- The store reps reconfirmed the stores upcoming Sale on 10Aug2007.
Thus we deffered our plans to buy the Dining Table set to avail a discount.
To our shock, on our visit to the store on 8Aug07, we noticed that the prices for the above mentioned sets 1 & 2 had been increased by Rs.10, 000/- and to some extent also to the 3rd piece.
- Daisy increased from Rs.24, 950/- to Rs.34.950/- 2. Petire increased from Rs.19, 950/- to Rs.29, 950/- Since, the store has to make the customers feel happy about buying on a discounted price, theyre giving a 10% discount on the INCREASED price !!!!!!
A feedback form handed over to the manager with the above details on 8Aug07 yielded no reply. Today 10Aug07, a visit to the store and talk with Shabir Mohammad, Manager, Furniture division yielded an offer of 3% extra discount on the current offer.
Which in laymans term implies the store policy, "ROB THE CUSTOMER ALWAYS." Although, Mr. Mohammad was kind enough to inform us that just like prices were revised prior to the sale, they will be revised again after the sale. So, friends why shop at inflated prices which is cheatingly termed as a sale.