A review on
Light the Fire in your Heart ----------by Debashis Chatterjee
This Book is not like any other book on leadership.
One of best books on leadership that is dealt in a completely different manner. It is not only for leadership aspirants but only for everyone who is undergoing the daily stress (like stress in education, at work, at house, etc., ), it changes the way we think.
Examples are really heart touching. The ideas expressed in this book can be applied to any problem in life. It shows the ways to raise ourselves to our maximum potential, expressed in a very relevant and in an easy to understand fashion. The book is to be analysed with the heart not with the brain.
Some explosive lines in this book:
Fire will be discovered for the second time In the history of human civilization; Only this time
The spark will come
From within the self.
If leaders have integrity nothing else matters
and if they do not have integrity nothing else matters.
Mindful among the mindless
Awake while others dream
Swift as the racehorse
The leader outstrips the field.
This is not the age of information.
This is the age of attention deficiency.
I must first be the change that I wish to see in my world.
Small work should be done with great love.
The chapters are organized in a nice order from minute details to more complex ideas.
It is not a read only once type of book, referring it as frequently as possible gives results as frequently as possible. It is supposed to be read chapter wise. After reading a chapter, take some time to understand it, next implement the ideas in it. Then proceed to the next chapter.
To get the best out of the book just follow the directions given by the author at the end of each chapter in the “practice points” section. Its cost is Rs.195 (reasonably priced).
Some of the other books that I suggest for reading are:
The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey
Hearts Courageous by William Herman
How to stop worrying and start living by Dale Carnegie 4. Karma Yoga by Swami Vivekananda
Personality Development by Swami Vivekananda