This is my personal opinion which I shared here. I experienced this website personally then I reviewed.
3 months ago when I wanted to buy a casual mens dress I found this site.When I go to this site the design could not attracted me enough. But still I stay there and order a casual suit and they assured me to delivery in 4 to 5 business days. I was eagerly waiting for the suit come. But after 10 days when my order didnt arrived I called customer care. After calling them 10 to 15 times they received my call and said sorry to me for inconveniences.
Customer Service: There customer service is very bad.
Product Quality: The product quality which I received from them was very bad in high cost.
Delivery Timeliness: After 10 days of calling I received my order.In total I it takes 25 days to delivery.And I missed the reason I buy it.
App and Websites: This is only time and money wasting website.
Reliability: They never satisfied with their customers. They arent reliable anymore.So I m not recommended you to go this site. Thank You. If it is helpful to you then give it a Thums up????