I had visited a neurologist in Lilavati, after a first seizure episode. He spoke to me very reluctantly . kept telling me its no big deal and how many celebrities come to him. He increased my dose of medicine and my life was hell. I went to him with reports he had asked for. He spoke the same things like the first time. Only marketing about himself and list of his celebrity patients. Refused to reduce the dose or change. both time he charged me very high fee and there was nothing comforting after meeting him. whenever I called him for some clarification, he wouldnt reply to my calls or tell not to worry if he answered the call.
I took a second opinion and was asked to reduce the dose immediately and gradually change it as it has many bad side effects. First time ever I have fallen sick and its shocking to see how horrible it is to visit hospitals where only money counts. its pity people have no heart of conscience. With second opinion I found a dedicated doctor, not at all money focused.