Please dont mistake this to be a Bond movie review. I would like to share with you my experience of using LimeWire. I am a fan of Hollywood movies. Having taken an Internet connection, I wanted to download these off the Internet and watch them on my TV. But how to do it? Upon enquiring and reading reviews I learnt that Limewire is the best peer to peer connecting software for downloading movies and other apps. So I decided to install it by downloading the .exe file available on the LimeWire website.
Installation: Installation was a breeze.I visited the LimeWire URL and downloaded the exe file - was not too huge I must say(I think the download took only 10 or 20 min). When the download was over I started its Installation. The installation went automatically downloaded Java from its Website and installed the Software. I must mention that the logo of the Software is beautiful and sparkling(a cut limes picture). I ran the Software and it worked fine - I downloaded some movies such as Lord Of The Rings 1 2 and 3, STAR WARS etc and enjoyed them all. But . not everything is perfect!
Hassles: I wanted to download "Dark Knight" movie. Upon searching, I got multiple files with same name. Assuming one file to be genuine looking at its size, I patiently downloaded it in 8 hours. After the download was over, I started to play a file. What I saw shocked me - it was a long porn video! Thank God I didnt play it in front of my parents.
Spyware: Well, here comes the main bug of this Software. Whenever I used to open this Software I cud always see some data getting uploaded - it would always say "Up Speed 3 kBps". Upon suspicion that only my movie files are getting uploaded, I stopped sharing the downloaded movie files. Still the same thing happened. So I burnt all files onto a DVD and checked again - yet this problem existed. Upon talking to my friends, I learnt that Lime Wires a spyware and it can potentially reveal our sensitive data stored on Hard Disk like our Browsing habits, Bank Account Details, files stored etc. to others by transmitting data via Internet. . And yes, there was another problem too: Before installing Lime Wire on my Hard Disks C:\ its remaining space was 10 GB out of 20 GB. But after installing it, my PC became v v slow and guess what, the space remaining was only 1 GB(with all downloaded movie files deleted!). I learnt that this is another common problem of the LimeWire Software and this cud cause serious damage to the Hard Disk! Limewire is not just performs as a Peer to Peer sharing Software but also as a James Bond spying the insides of our PCs(One apt name id give it is: SPY WHO LOVED MY PC!).
Punchline: Wanna protect your PC and sensitive data? Stay away from LIMEWIRE.