I just went to limelite to get my hair cut for the new years.
Im also getting married this summer I should add. I went in for a simple trim to the back and to my bangs in the front. I gave instructions that I just wanted to get a basic trim from the layers in my hair already. I told her make sure the layers do not go beyond my shoulders.
Instead she practically cut my hair above my shoulders!!! I repeated that to her numerous times making sure she understood that I did not want my hair SHORT and to keep the first layer below my shoulders. The bangs.
She cut them of course too short but then the worst part of the whole hair cut which CAN NOT BE FIXED is that she angled the front of my hair. I NEVER TOLD HER TO DO SO! She angled it so deep that I have no hair that rest on my shoulders what so ever.
To top it off my hair is completely uneven!!! I have fine hair, mistakes can be quickly identified!When I clearly pointed it out, she told me that it is suppose to look funky. I almost lost it! Thank god I did not waste a dime on the cut! I got so angry they didnt make me pay the 608 rps they intended to charge! OVER PRICED AND UNTRAINED!!! Lime light was an alternative salon after having a bad experience at Spratt.
I have yet to find a decent salon to simply cut hair here!!!