First of all Im currently studying in this institute.So, lets talk about infrastructure first they got good infrastructure, lots space for basketball court and other activities. #2.Education Im going to say yes they have lots of lecturer with lots of knowledge but Still there are few teachers that gives you disappointment , I really expected more from this college but its not enough.#3 Fee structure: I want to say you only enter the college if you got money cause they will always stop you from giving exams and other important things if you dont give them fees.#4Ragging: Its one of things I like here is there is no ragging , so dont worry about that.#5 Teachers: Theyre really helpful if you want them to be otherwise you this works. #6 One thing I dont like is you cant leave the campus anytime you want to, this is really ridiculous its waste of our time , they really need to change it.So overall its fine place for Students but not really gives you so many opportunities. Thank-you for reading .