With the latest blockbuster for kids making news, I too was of course curious to read the book. Due the present location of mine, there was no way that I could get a chance to watch the movie, hence the book was the next best option. The reviews on the BBC World Service highlighted the fact that how the book serves as an instrument to portray Jesus life and essentially highlights the sacrifice of Jesus for humanity. The author CS Lewis was a colleague of JRR Tolkien (Lord of the Rings) and his style of writing, though not as exotic as Tolkien, does involve fantasy. The book is of course the story of 4 children who step through a wardrobe into the mysterious/magical land of Narnia. Narnia is ruled by a White Witch who always wants winter there. Two of the kids have already been here (on their own) and one of the boys has been subverted by the witch to bring the rest to her. The witch is worried that if the four make it to a castle where there are thrones for two daughters of Eve and two sons of Adam, she would loose her power. The kids are assisted by Aslan (the lion), who makes a deal with the witch to sacrifice his life so that the boy (who has been subverted) can rejoin his friends. Of course, Aslan gets resurrected (like Jesus) and helps free all the other prisoners (who have been turned into stone statues by the witch). Together they fight the witch and return spring to Narnia. I found The Wizard of Oz as a much better tale and it had more adventures too!