As everyone knows, lipstick has changed completely starting from the lead hero and heroine to the title song and storyline, overall. THIS is the reason I stopped watching the damb show. first of all, the replacement they found for suniti is very very bad. shweta salve was a great actress, very pretty, and modern looking which blended well with the bold show. but now they have that stupuid gautami gadgil/shroff/kapoor, or whatever the hell her name is !!!!! she sucks big time!! she looks too old for the new tarun and they made her look all sati savitri with her sarees manglasutra, etc. the old suniti was very hip and modern, maybe the producers thought gautami wouldnt be able to carry this sophistacted and western image LOL.
also, the title of the song is very very RIDICULOUS!!!!! it sounds like some kind of bhajan or something. the old song sounded more seductive and daring. on top of that theyve added new characters and changed the entire scenario. this show SUCKS now and I dont waste my time watching the damb thing anymore!!!!!!!!!!!