I have been watching this soap opera (thats what we call it here in the US) for about 2 solid months now and I am ADDICTED. I cannot go by a day without finding out what happened to Suniti Verma. Her nemesis, Sheetal Singhania, is probably the most wickedly evil character I have ever come across. The things this wretched woman does to destroy Sunitis happiness is unbelievable. First off, both women are in love with the same man. This man is Abhay & he is spineless (or maybe its the black magic, who knows). We see Sheetals grand plan to humiliate Suniti. We see Sheetal cavorting with a witch (literally) of black magic. Sheetal sends Suniti poison when she is at her most vulnerable.
We see Sheetal publicly insulting Suniti on her wedding day in front of all the wedding guests, family, in laws, ect. We see Sheetal kidnapping Abhay & this of course causes Suniti to faint & thus she is hospitalized. We then find out that she fainted because she is pregnant. In the meantime, Sunitis bhabi is threatening the doctors to give Suniti an abortion. OMG. Its just too much DRAMA and thats just one episode. Can you imagine? The thing that fascinates me about this is that its such an agressive & potent drama & the clothes & makeup are fabulous. You almost wanna grab Sheetal by the hair & poke out her blue contact lenses with a sharp pencil.
All I can say is that I really like watching Lipstick & I reject the notion that its only made for bored housewives. Maybe that is the case in India but out here in San Francisco, my roomates (one is a Filipina, the other is Irish American white) are all HOOKED on Lipstick. We even have the ending credits song with Shaan singing as our voicemail. Lipstick, Kittie Party, Astitva...they are ALL worth watching & it makes me damn glad that I have cable.