Due to personal emergency I had to join the work though my baby was 5 month old. As all mothers would agree it was an extremely tough decision for me to leave my daughter at some unknown place with unknown folks.
Given the limited options I had, one of my dear friend, Sakshi referred me to Little Einsteins. The only issue was that they take kids from 6 months of age but understaning my unique situation the management agreed. After 2 day trial period also I was apprehensive about leaving my kid and spoke to Kopal who manages this Kondapur center.
I really apprecaite her going out of way to help me, as she offered me to try for another couple of days to get comfortable without charging me anything for it. I did not take the extension though! That very time I got my daughter enrolled in their daycare program. It was the nobility of Kopals thought and flexibility to make me comfortable that inspired me. Very rare would you come across such great individuals in todays world.
My daughter is 14 months now and she just loves going there. It is very satsifying feeling. Thanks LE and keep up the good work!