My experience with doctors are very good, after 15 days continuing till date, took room single sharing with Ac & fan for mother feeding & Later baby will shift, rooms are worst staff will not mind, services are pathatic, no fan provided but we dont need ac in rainy season, you can find dogs in the entrance I used to go daily 5 am to feed baby all the 15 days, on first day on the entrance I found dog I cant pass through that is the situation while return back I found few more dogs I though they all came to catch me with frighten I came to house on next day I informed to staff about the situation they said you will be giving feedback form in the end please fill it and give in reception, that is the reply given to me hence if any thing happens in their locality they will be responsible for me & my Baby, No security found till date out side, on the same day night 11:00 am I found cat in the Out patient ward 2nd floor next to reception 2days same problem I think they are hospital pets, for rooms we cant lock them if attender goes with patient they will not provide room keys room charges for single room is 3800 to 4500 took room reason mother will be available 24 hrs for feed you can find lodges oyo near you, but they will not intimate when baby needs you so I took room in hospital, but next batch fellows dont know the job to do they will do the job blindly, in other hospital they used to take 500 deposit and used to provide key in the end they return the deposit, we cant keep our Luggage and valuable in the room . they say mother is not allowed to come and go any time but security will not allow he needs reasons, after taking room they did not inform mother to feed baby, simple says they dont know, so they given formula milk even the mother is in same premises after intimating room no & several times . My Patience came to end seeing all this, few fellows are writing reviews from the same hospital that rooms are neat & well maintained if you see the paints of rooms & suit rooms also same oyo rooms are 100% better, rooms are like govt hosp & Ac ducts are with dust, lights fixtures are with insects and bees, blankets pls I dont want to talk about them, and they more aver talk about hygienic. sample pic today 7:30,