So.. Michael jackson is a freak!
Strange .. but nobody said this a decade back.. oh yeah he was singing some good songs back then... right.. I forgot...
And who is Mr. Bashir... oh yeah .. hes the one that interviewed Ms.Diana.. And she died that year.. how?? trying to get away from journalists..
now who are the freaks? the men and the women who wanna know more about these celebrities (you and me) or the men and the women who make them the celebrities (the media) or the men and the women who actually are celebrities.. through their songs.. or whatever else..
Michael jackson supposedly had two (or was it three?) plastic surgeries.. did it make him any better or any worse to you? what difference did it make to you? It didnt make any difference to me.. perhaps some african americans got a little peeved about it all.. but it was his money .. right?.. and it was his goddamn nose.. and so was he setting a bad example? well.. he didnt like his face.. so he changed it..
If I dint like mine and if I had that kinda money I would go ahead and change it too..
Michael Jackson supposedly slept with a few kids and supposedly still does that.. because he loves the idea of giving comfort to kids ... giving them love.. and the affection and the attention and the freedom that they need..
And he has the money.. and how many times have we heard that part of his money is sent to some charity or the other and how many times have we heard that he has performed on stage for some childrens organization or the other..
have you as a person given some child comfort in some way or the other.. in a way that would make him remember that day.. like he would not remember any other? That man is in a position to do so.. and he does it.. and I dont have any problems whatsoever with that..
Now, if he had sexually abused that child, if he had in some way made that day for that child so bad that the child would be traumatized by that incident all his life... then..
then my friends he would be worth all this hatred and all this indignation..
has he done that? has it been proved? No.. because he paid off the demand which was settled outside court by his lawyers.. Why did he do it? he said in that interview Let the child have what he wants.
now he has the money to do that too.. so what happened is only known to the child and to MJ.. and however much Mr.Bashir and his like will prod.. the truth is known only to them.. and wont come out.. and since we know nothing about that and we can only go by what evidence we have about this.. which is precious little.. either you believe him or not.. you could reserve your opinion about this too..
as for the infamous child dangling and strangling incident, who is to be blamed? MJ or the people down below wanting to see his child...I would blame Michael jackson because he should have known better than to do that.. only I guess he stretches his personal affairs a little too far towards his fans.. he should have just spat on all his fans down there..
yeah.. he should have done that... right?.. then he would have been spared all this ..
Now if he had reserved and decently said no, we wouldnt have anything to talk about.. or perhaps if we were not so crazy about everything about him and his kid and his wife and his nose and his songs and his dance and what not.. perhaps then too, we would have nothing to talk about..
so hes like that. well... leave him alone.. let him enjoy his life..
I personally think the western media blows up a lot of things in a lot of ways and I give them credit for stretching everybodys imagination.. but I do think that there is a limit to this kind of journalism.. how much money do you think Mr.Bashir made out of this? people like him are eternal parasites who cant make a buck themselves and thereby resort to cheap journalistic stunts like the one he pulled on MJ..
Is he giving us the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Is he just voicing those things that would make his video controversial and thereby more saleable? I leave the opinion to you.. but remember he is one man you dont know.. and that the man he is accusing is a man you at least know through his songs.. As for me.. I think Michael Jackson is a great entertainer.. one of the best ...period. And I dont want a Mr.Bashir talking about what he did (or didnt do).
If he wants to talk about him, let him talk about his songs.. or the entertainment he provides... and I would most gladly listen..
I started to write a comment for a review written by REKH which I thought was very well done as far as the facts went.. but since the comment was getting too long.. well.. weve heard that before, havent we?