My father used this for almost 4-5 months.Buy this product from our local shop at a cost of Rs 650.
It is a good product for regularly use and its does not end hair falls its just stop the hair fall for that period of time when you are continue using it.
The fragrance is very Bad and its irritating.After use its smells funny.In using you might be cant tolerate that smell.This smell could be better than that because it is a product which need regularly.
The shine is just like other oils in the market like coconut oil etc.Its not better than others.It is use for growing or treat your hair falls so Hair shine does not matter.
The oil using reason is gain hair or hair treatment and its not for styling.This oil does not have any extra things that style your hair.It is a simple oil and it is like a normal using oil
In my fathers experience it is a Bad product and he use it for a reason of hair loss.In 3 months of use its working amazingly but when he stop to use it this has same as before.The oil is good when you use it continuously but if you stop use it this does not work.This product does not gain your hair its just stop your hair loss.The oil is not that good and its price is very much high.