Standing in front of the mirror the other day made me very happy about the oh so lovely face..but then I noticed the hair, it had gone so rough ... with little time to be able to oil it before every shampoo ... and no time for conditioning with home remedies like henna honey egg etc.. my hair had lost the lustre..
And then I discovered Livon.. saw my lil sis using it on her curly tresses .. thought will try as well.. and after using it my lifeless hair turned into silky locks.. Im serious yes it really works and takes care of girls like me who have lil time for regular oiling etc.. Its even better than the new copies like Silk n shine and Numis touch ..I have used the others too and thats why I know..But the original is the best and thats why Livon ...
I know it gets a lil expensive but I guess 140 Rs for 100 ml of nectar for hair is worth it.. Just a lil bit is enuf for that silky feel and shine and it works best when applied to wet one special sunday try this special product after your royal headwash..
Take just half a tea spoon in ur palm(for shoulder length hair... others depending on your hair length) , spread it on your palm and apply ..and lo get the soft feel instantly.. ur hair go strong and Livon even controls go ahead try wont regret this one at all....good job done by
For dry rough brittle tangled and unmanageable hair.
Key Ingredients: Vitamin E, Silicone conditioners, Mineral Oil.
50ml for Rs 79
100ml for RS 140