I thought it was one of the good air conditioner among all the good one.we had bought it to our home and it played a good working role for 6 months but after 6 months it started showing all defaults of that it can show.
firstly we faced a small problem with in warranty period with AC fan it was changed by the company.After few days i.e after completion of warranty period it faced with another problem i.e water was falling from air conditioner from where we will get cold air and it was solved after we payed a small amount.
secondly it consumed much amount of current unless it was 3 star but it consumed amount as 1 star conditioner and service of the company members was not very nice.they are solving any problem very lately.
the air which comes out was not very cool so my choice is not to buy this conditioner so please consider another conditioner my choice is blue star and LG if there is no problem with budget it was very glad to take o-general
thank you